How can we encourage student interaction in classrooms? Why is it necessary? - Blogs - Veda
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How can we encourage student interaction in classrooms? Why is it necessary?

Mar 13, 2024

Every teacher strives to create a vibrant learning environment where students are actively engaged. However, fostering student interaction can be challenging, especially in large classrooms or with quieter students. Here, we explore strategies to boost classroom interaction, making learning an enriching and collaborative experience.

Why is Student Interaction Important?

Research shows student interaction fosters deeper understanding and knowledge retention [source]. When students discuss concepts, explain ideas to peers, or work together on problems, they solidify their own learning and gain valuable perspectives from classmates.  This collaborative approach also hones communication, teamwork, and critical thinking skills, which are all essential for future success.

Some strategies that we would suggest are:

1. Embrace Collaborative Learning:

Collaboration encourages discussions and a deeper understanding of a subject. One way to do that is through group work. Students can be divided into smaller, well-balanced groups and assigned different topic parts. Then, the groups share their collective knowledge with their classmates. This would foster a deeper understanding and also encourage skills like teamwork, leadership, and decision-making. 

2. Make Discussions Dynamic:

We can all agree that books with pictures fascinated us more as children than books that had only text, right? The same goes for teaching in classrooms. When we teach only through lectures, students cannot grasp as quickly as when we create dynamic discussions in classrooms. We need to ensure that students are participating in the classroom, asking students questions, giving them time to discuss and come up with solutions, and having creative and healthy debates would encourage students to do that. This not only boosts their knowledge-grasping capabilities but also builds confidence and teaches them public speaking skills.

3. Leverage Technology for Interaction:

Adapting to evolving technology is a need for not only students but every one of us. What better way to do that than by involving tech in classrooms, right? Technology is a rising interest in everyone, so using technological tools in classrooms would definitely encourage interactive learning. Whether it be using technologies for digital presentations, using a school management system for smooth operations or using technologies like microscopes in science labs, in any case, it would most certainly catch the eye of the students encouraging them to participate more.

4.  Incorporate Movement and Activities:

Students must be tired and lethargic from sitting at the same desk and benches for so long, so activities incorporating movements would re-energise them and make them feel active. A short session of clapping, a short walk before the classes, or even innovative team-building activities inside the classrooms would definitely bring back the enthusiasm to learn. This not only gives students a break from the monotony but also refreshes their minds to grasp the new things taught in the classrooms, encouraging more interesting discussions and active participation in class.

5.  Create a Safe and Inclusive Space:

Feeling safe and comfortable would certainly spark conversation just about anywhere, and the same goes for classrooms. In the olden days, we often saw students intimidated to ask questions in classrooms, but it's not the same anymore. We, as educators, should always focus on making the classroom a safe space for students and ensuring that non-students feel left out. 

In a nutshell, the students today are the leaders of tomorrow, and good leaders are always curious. Thus, to leverage this curiosity, we must provide them with an environment where they can learn, experiment, succeed, and fail as well. Whether it be incorporating activities, encouraging discussions, using technology, or just creating a safer and more inclusive environment, we as educators should make sure that each student is learning to their full potential and is encouraged to interact in the classrooms.


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